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Kalgold Operational Support

Location & Client

Mahikeng, North West, South Africa Harmony Gold

Mining Method

Open Pit truck and showel

Study Accuracy



The majority of Kalgold’s open pit LOM and tactical production scheduling work has been completed continuously and uninterrupted by ABGM over a period of 10 years commencing in 2010 when D-zone was still in operation. The knowledge base accumulated over this period have made ABGM an invaluable resource in terms of the history and technical know-how for this particular operation. Kalgold mine is a gold mine of marginal grade making the planning and operation of the mine quite challenging to sustainably and profitably extract the ore from a bifurcated orebody of varying width. ABGM also completed resource to reserve conversions on an annual basis for the operation.


The challenge at Kalgold is to plan the operation at a consistent grade on a monthly basis. This is further exasperated by the amount of waste stripping or pit development that requires to be planned to expose sufficiency mining faces for the monthly target of 140kt RoM tonnes per month.


No solution technical or otherwise would be possible without a considerable team effort. ABGM in conjunction with the ever-changing mining team of Kalgold over the past years have successfully planned and implemented the overall LOM strategy and tactical planning by working closely together on a monthly planning cycle and also annually on a strategic front. The responsibility and dedication, the technical prowess when it comes to strategic options and analysis and selection of options and of the overall ABGM and Kalgold team.