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ABGM provides a range of consulting services in the mining industry in association with several other creditable organisations. This enables the delivery of a comprehensive solution footprint in order to meet our client’s needs.

These are some of the projects we have worked on over the last few years.

Open PIT

Wescoal | Owners Team for Coal Project | Open Pit (OP)
Charaat Gold Holdings Ltd (CGH | Tulkubash and Kiziltash Pre-Feasibility | Open Pit and Underground
Lucara Diamond - Karowe Mine | PFS and DFS Mining Option Studies | Open Pit
Mimosa Mining Company | Mimosa North and South Hills Feasibility Study | Open Pit
Ixia Coal | Imvula Coal Project Feasibility Study | Open Pit


Amcol - Batlhako Mining | LG6 underground feasibility study | Underground